Old friends, old survivors, facing fathers, ghosts and women in a trailer out back of beyond, seriously off the grid. The five-member cast brought this powerful story of Viet Nam vets to life. Kevin Anderson brought an M. Emmett Walsh touch to the loquacious Jeeter, generating enough energy to light the place. Reginald Andre Jackson gave a remarkable performance as the guarded, haunted Ben, living as far from people as he can get, yet unable to escape his demon, Robert McNamara, architect of the hell that changed Ben forever.
Ben’s interactions with Jeeter are almost hallucinatory, intercutting with the manifestations of McNamara and an unnamed young soldier throw vivd relief on the different ways each of them have processed their experience, and chosen to live the rest of their lives.
I’ll write about the remarkable women in this play tomorrow. Meanwhile, I suggest your see it.